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Caesar Augustus

The Shih Tzu breed has a heritage of royalty and Caesar Augustus is no exception!  He is one of our American Kennel Club registered, Shih Tzu sires.  Born on May 28, 2017, he is a healthy, athletic, happy, and playful dog.  He loves going on walks with our family.  Caesar loves to be loved and wants to be with us all the time.  In fact, he is most calm when he is with our family.  Caesar Augustus is the puppy that showed our family how wonderful Shih Tzus are.
This is our first sire, Ceasar Augustus
Welcome to Belmont Breeders
This is our sweet Cleo.  We love her personality so much.
Cleopawtra Augustus
At our house, this beautiful girl goes by "Cleo."
She is an American Kennel Club registered, Shih Tzu female.  Born on January 29, 2020, she is an excited, happy, sweet dog.  She weighs 10 pounds.  She loves to be the center of attention.  She always wants to be with people.  
She has a very distinct bark.  She barks for a few times and then she ends her bark with the cutest howl that you have ever heard.


Welcome to Belmont Breeders
Claudia Augustus

Claudia is the sweet, calm one of the group.   She is an American Kennel Club registered, Shih Tzu female.  She and Cleo are sisters.  She was also born on January 29, 2020.  She weighs 10.5 pounds. 
Claudia is a sweet, quiet, lap dog.  She barks when she gets excited, but is quiet most of the time.   She is truly everything you think of when you think about Shih Tzu dogs!
This is the quiet Claudia.  She is a perfect lap dog.
Welcome to Belmont Breeders
This is Capsian.  He is our newest sire.
Welcome to Belmont Breeders



Caspian is the newest member of our family.  He was born on July 17, 2022.  He has a beautiful brindle and white coat that is long and thick.  He is an American Kennel Club registered, pure-bred Shih Tzu.   He is a very sweet dog with lots of personality.  He loves to play with the rest of the dogs.  Despite his big personality, he is surprisingly quiet.  He doesn't bark at much, even our guard rooster, "Big Red."  




Caitlyn is a shy, but sweet dog.  She loves being with her sister, Callie.   She loves to snuggle and be with people.   She is a great mom to her puppies.  She is curious about our house cat and loves to try to play with our cat.  The cat does not share Caitlyn's enthusiasm for friendship, but Caitlyn keeps trying.  She weighs a little over 10 pounds.  We expect all her puppies to be between 10-12 pounds.


This is Calie.  She is a sweet dog.
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